Monday, February 18, 2008

Strange Tails

To all those
that say dinosaurs didn't become birds-
what would you say
if I showed you a rooster
with teeth?

Or the hipbone of a whale,
and a man born with tail?

Then you could ask me
for my golden book
and I would have nothing to say.
I guess we both can be right.


Anonymous said...

I like this poem b/c as you may have noticed, I am a fan of dinosaurs. I had no idea that my blog was showing up on yours, weird. Your poems are very cool, keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

whoa! it was like a secret message link thing. crazy. that was a cool article! A rooster w/ teeth, who would've thought?! I must say your blog is way more intersting than mine. I'll have to work on that. :)